

年度 執筆者 タイトル
27 1 T.Sato
Nonparametric Item Response Theory
2 M. Tanaka Notes on Estimation of Cross Correlation Function between Two Times Series


年度 執筆者 タイトル
26 30 1 Minoru Tanaka Misspecified MA(2)Model Fitting to a Data from Gaussian MA(q) Process


年度 執筆者 タイトル
25 29 1 Minoru Tanaka On Trends of Monthly Average Temperature for 47 Prefectures in Japan

No.24 (PDF)

年度 執筆者 タイトル
24 28 1 Minoru Tanaka Estimation of the Hurst Exponent for the Daily Sunspot Number

No.23 (PDF)

年度 執筆者 タイトル
23 27 1 Yuichi Takano Mathematical Optimization Models for Nonparametric Item Response Theorry
2 Minoru Tanaka On Misspecified ARMA Model Fittings to Exponential Processes

No.22 (PDF)

年度 執筆者 タイトル
22 26 1 Takashi Kobayashi Business State Model for Knowledge Work Process Mining
2 Takashi Kobayashi Proposal of Issue Patterns for Business Process Design
3 Minoru Tanaka On a Misspecified ARMA Model Fitting to a Data from Gaussian ARMA Process
4 Youichiro Hashida
Tomofumi Uetake
Examination of a Package Design Analysis Method Using the Saliency Map

No.21 (PDF)

年度 執筆者 タイトル
21 25 1 Minoru Tanaka On Misspecified ARMA Model Fittings to Some Stationary Processes

No.20 (PDF)

年度 執筆者 タイトル
20 24 1 Minoru Tanaka On Some Properties of ARMA(1,1) Model Fitting to AR(2) Processes

No.19 (PDF)

年度 執筆者 タイトル
19 23 1 Minoru Tanaka Modelling for a Series of Annual Extreme Values of the Daily Sunspot Numbers

No.18 (PDF)

年度 執筆者 タイトル
18 22 1 Kayo Iizuka
Takuya Okawada
Yasuki Iizuka
Effective System for Information Supplements for Food Products : Consideration from the Perspective of Consumer Needs
2 Minoru Tanaka Time series modelling of Annual Maximum Sunspot Numbers


年度 執筆者 タイトル
17 21 1 Yoshihiro Usami Note on maximum likelihood estimation of a linear regression model with
random effects


年度 執筆者 タイトル
16 20 1 Minoru TANAKA On the generalization of von Mises distributions on the circle


年度 執筆者 タイトル
15 19 1 Minoru TANAKA Asymptotic order of the expected length of excursions for the processes with a scale mixture of normal distribution, II


年度 執筆者 タイトル
14 18 1 Minoru TANAKA Asymptotic Order of the Expected Length of Excursions for the Processes with a Scale Mixture of Normal Distribution
2 Tomofumi UETAKE
Prototype System to Recommend Appropriate Amount of Independent Musicians Who Matched User’s Preference


年度 執筆者 タイトル
13 17 1 Tomofumi UETAKE
Construction and evaluation of IS-BoardII to support information sharing for information education
2 Minoru TANAKA, Kaoru TANAKA A paper on the Twin Prime Conjecture


年度 執筆者 タイトル
12 15 1 Minoru TANAKA A Note on the Calculation of Certain Limits and Their Orders
2 Norio Watanabe Implementation of a PC-based Solution to a Multi-stage Production Ordering System
3 Yoshihiro Usami Decomposing Economic Time Series by Wavelet (II)


年度 執筆者 タイトル
11 14 1 Minoru TANAKA Unbiased Estimation of the Autocorrelation of a Stationary Ellipsoidal Process with Known Mean and Variance
2 Norio Watanabe Solving an Integer Goal Programming Problem of a Multi-stage Production Ordering System
3 Yoshihiro Usami Approximations to the Distributions of the GLSE and GLSP in a Regression with an Elliptically Distributed Error Term


年度 執筆者 タイトル
10 13 1 Minoru TANAKA On the Estimation of the First Order Autocorrelation of a Stationary Time Series from the Associated Clipped Binary Series
2 Yoshihiro Usami Decomposing Economic Time Series by Wavelet


年度 執筆者 タイトル
9 12 1 Minoru TANAKA On the asymptotic order of the expectedlength of excursions above a fixed level doe someellipsoidal processes
2 Kenji MATUNAGA Web Pages Recommendation System Using Profile Matching


年度 執筆者 タイトル
8 11 1 S.Sakino On the Rise of Temperature in Japan and the Decreasing Ozone in Japan,Canada and the Antarctic Circle
2 K.Aoki Singular Solutions of Holonomic Systems of Clairaut Type
3 Minoru TANAKA The Expected Number of Local Maxima in a Zero-Mean Stationary Ellipsoidal Process」


年度 執筆者 タイトル
7 10 1 Minoru Tanaka Expected Number of the Level Crossings of Some Stationary Processes with Zero Mean and Unit Variance
2 W. L. Boletta Multilingual Internet: Designing Internet Sites
